Working Experiences
Full Stack Web Developer
May 2020 - Now
Backend Developer at Workerly Inc. Developing REST APIs and improving test coverage.
Tech Stack: Django, Django Rest Framework, PostgreSQL -
Develeloped CCS-School an application for managing schools activities like fees payments, student registration, transcripts, classes,...
Demo: (contact me for demo)
Tech Stack: Django, React, Celery, PostgreSQL, Redis
Qognitiv Technologies
Backend Engineer
August 2019 - May 2020
- Refactored many worker microservices
- Developed a data access REST API
- Trained and deployed two computer vision models for detecting identity spoofing on a video stream
- Developed a WebSocket API Gateway
Python/Django Developer Intern
January 2019 - June 2019
- Fixed critical bugs on
- Integrated UBA Visa Banking API on
- Developed Klapeers analytics, a web app used to manage content on Klapeers
SILDY SN Intellect
Frontend Developer Intern
July 2018 - August 2018
- Rebuilt the frontend of with Angular 6
Software Developer Intern
July 2017 - August 2017
- Created PL/Python stored procedures on PostgreSQL
- Migrated data from MySQL to PostgreSQL with python scripts
- Created reports with Jasper Report using PostgreSQL as data source.
Institut d'Ingénierie Informatique d'Afrique Centrale (3iAC)
Engineer's Degree, Computer Science
September 2016 - October 2019
Specialization in web development and cybersecurity
Thesis: Improving the security of an enterprise computer system using penetration testing.
Prepavogt Institute
September 2014 - July 2016
Preparatory classes MP, Mathematics and Physics